PriceVigil lets you receive alerts for changes in dollar, euro and pound exchange rates, as well as price change of products on Jumia, Konga, Supermart, Cars45 and PropertyPro
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With just ₦500 per month, you can get to buy products cheaper by ₦500,000
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You add the url of a product you are interested in monitoring price for, then we start sending you notifications when the price of the product changes
Imagine receiving instant notifications the moment that coveted item drops within your budget, saving you not just money, but also the hassle of constantly checking
We currently support Jumia, Konga, Jiji, Cars45, PropertyPro and the Central bank of Nigeria. But, we have plans to add more websites in the coming months
Feel free to drop us a line at [email protected]. We're here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have!